Chosen by Bishop Robert Barron as one of six pivotal players of the Church in the 2nd millennium, St. Thomas Aquinas is known for many distinguishing roles: a Dominican friar, a scholar, a theologian, a philosopher, a mystic, and a saint. Little known, however, is his role as a humble servant of the Church. He prayed, worshiped, celebrated the Eucharist day in and day out as a priest, and composed eucharistic hymns which we still sing. When the FLL Spiritual Formation Program meets again at 8 p.m., on Monday, May 14, 2018, we will follow Bishop Barron’s DVD to study and discuss the life and teaching of this spiritual giant of the Church, whose masterpiece, summa theologiae, every student learning to master the art of conducting proper theological explorations must study. If you can't join in person, consider joining our live telecast, which will allow you to catch all actions and discussions on-line and at the same time. Just click this link at 8 p.m., on Monday, May 14: Join FLL Spiritual Formation on St. Thomas Aquinas.
被Bishop Robert Barron揀選為第二個千年六位教會關鍵人物之一的聖多瑪斯·阿奎那,扮演著很多卓越的角色:道明會修士,學者,神學家,哲學家,神秘主義者,聖人。但很少人會想到,他只是一位謙卑的教會的僕人。他每天用司鐸身份祈禱,敬禮天主,舉行聖祭。到今天我們仍頌唱他創作的聖體讚歌。當生命恩泉屬靈培育課程在五月十四日星期一晚上8:00-10:00在生命恩泉錄影室再次聚會時,我們將會跟隨Bishop Barron的影碟,學習和討論這位教會的屬靈巨人。他的名著《神學大全》,至今仍是有志於學習和把握神學探討藝術的每一個學員所必須研究的。如果您不能親身出現參與,請考慮網上現場收看聚會直播。只需在五月十四日星期一晚上8:00,點擊這連結便可以:網上現場收看生命恩泉屬靈培育聚會直播
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