Saturday, April 14, 2012

March for Life on Thursday, May 10!

The March for Life event this year will take place on Thursday, May 10.

Pilgrims in support of this event will be departing from the Chinese Martyrs Catholic Church on May 10, Thursday at 7:30 a.m. after attending a 7 a.m. mass. By 12 noon the bus will arrive in Parliament Hill. There will be talks by MPs, a walk through Ottawa downtown and back to Parliament Hill, for talks by women who will share the aftermath of abortion. At 3:30 to 4 p.m. the bus will head back to Markham, arriving at around 9 p.m. at the Chinese Martyrs Catholic Church. The fees for adults and students are $20 and $10 respectively.

With the kind of world we are in these days, planting the seed of life is like cultivating arid grounds: it takes a lot of hard work. To me, joining the March for Life is akin to promoting Church teachings on sex and marriage year in and year out: both are very difficult and unpopular undertakings, but undertakings that must be carried out with perseverance nonetheless if we truly believe that the Gospel that we preach is not a Gospel of death but a Gospel of life; and that the God who oversees this world is not a God for the dead but a God for those who are fully human and fully alive!

Hope some of you would join Jeannie, me, and many others on Thursday, May 10. We'll have plenty of time to chat and catch up with one another on the bus and during the trip. Please contact Jeannie Wu at directly if you are interested.

Praising and proclaiming the Risen Lord on this Easter Saturday!

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